jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


This recipe was a total success, by mistake I bought smoked salmon instead of normal raw salmon, but it was ten times better and tastier. Ceviche is a recipe originally from Peru, but you can find it in most of Mexican sea food restaurants, is a very versatile dish, there are many ways it can be done, this time I show the basic stuff, normally people use white fish but is often done also with shrimp. This is perfect to offer it as a first dish in your reunions, its very fresh and it can be taken as a salad, is very easy to make and the ingredients are very easy to find anywhere.

Smoked Salmon Ceviche
Don`t forget the tortilla chips

Close up

Another one
Does it look like something you eat?

Everything starts with the fish, as I said before I used Smoked salmon, it was sliced very thick so it work even better, cut it in cubes and add lime until the lime cover the entire fish, the lime will cook the meat, well is not really cook but it will change the colour of it, to a light white, normally it takes from 45 minutes to one hour, let it rest in the fridge if you are in a warm place, if not you can leave it outside and there is no problem, here you must add salt and pepper, sea salt is perfect for this recipe, add one or two teaspoons of salt, it depends on how you like it. 

I calculate things per person in this recipe, so I make this for myself and used this amount of ingredients:

200 gr of fish, this time as salmon, use any fish you like
3 Limes
 2 Teaspoon of Salt
Pepper, a lot
Dill, chopped

Let it be at least 30 minutes

I already said that this time I kept it simple, for the vegetables only use onion, red pepper and cucumber, and it apply the same rule of the quantities, if you are going to make it for many people just multiply everything.

1/2 Red Onion
1/2 Red Pepper
1/2 Cucumber

Other recommendations for vegetables and fruit


For the final presentation  use some small tomatoes and coriander.

Just put anything that you like, at the end you put all together and mix it very good let it rest for five minutes so the lime take away the strong taste of the onion and pepper and is ready to rock.

Plese try this recipe there is no way that you could get this wrong is really easy, hope you all like it, the next post is going to be very long and tasty so please stay tuned.

Pleas write me something even if it is just to send me to hell, I like that too, have a great weekend.


2 comentarios:

  1. se ve bien rico yo tmb quiero

  2. hay nooooo que deliciaaaaa!!! allá en riviera nos hicieron uno pero en lugar de salmón era pescado blanco que se llama MERO , sabía deliciosiimo!!!! gracias por la receta
