jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


Salmon is my favourite fish, I like it raw, I like it smoked, I like it fried, but this time I put it in the oven on low temperature for a long period of time. This a very Finish recipe, it has the ingredients that I see often with salmon in Finland
This is how it was before I eat it.

Close up... Is it good?

Everything started with a piece of salmon whit the skin facing down, the first step is add some flavour to it, cut a lemon is half and squeeze the juice on top of the salmon, add salt, garlic powder or garlic powder with salt and ground black pepper. On top of that add fresh dill some chopped onions and the lemon slices. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees Celsius, when its ready put the salmon inside and it will take one hour and 15 minutes, if you like it dry then give it another 15 minutes.

Ready to hit the oven

This is for a mushroom creme sauce that I like to put on top, chop mushrooms and some onion.

Few onion

Put a pan to heat, add butter and put to fry the onion for a pair of minutes, then add the mushrooms, wait until they are loosing water, in this moment add a little milk and this will help to capture all the flavour of the mushrooms, then add thick cream and chopped dill. Wait another 3 minutes and take off the fire.

This is how it loks done

I put some potatoes to boil until they are ready, made some wrappers with foil, to put the potatoes in the oven.
Lonely potatoe

Then add some butter in the bottom, salt and pepper, this time I use some fresh mozzarella, cream cheese and some grated Edam.
Do you like it?

 Then put everything in the oven the last 15 minutes

And it turned out to be like this

 Well, this was my salmon recipe, it was pretty basic but it turned out to be delicious, hope you try to do new recipes use the one you see in the Internet and mix them to make your own, there are many good things going on in different blogs and cooking pages or books.

Hope you like my recipes and mi photos, I am not the best photographer that's why this blog is about food not photos.

Keep in touch and please write me something, if you have any doubts I will answer as soon as posible.

Until the next time.

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