This is my recipe for thin pizza, I don`t like this kind of american pizza where the bread is soft and very thick, I rather that the bread is thin, crunchy and toast, if you are like me, here is my recipe, hope you like it.
How it looks after taking it off the oven
Just before it disappear in my mouth
Very thin,crunchy and toast!!!!
You can see in the back that it has already disappear more than half
Here it goes, everything starts with the dough, this took me a lot of time to figure out how to make it right, so I will tell you the exact steps to do it this way, here are the ingredients:
250 gr of ordinary wheat flour
100 ml of water
10 gr of fresh yeast
1 teaspoon of salt
Put the yeast with the water, use warm water, not hot not cold, in the middle. Dissolve the yeast in the water and add it slowly to the flour and salt, add half and move with the hand an incorporate the other half to make the dough, this take time and patience, maybe it needs more water if it is very dry, or it needs more flour if it is very sticky, there is only one advice I can give in this case, press the mass a lot and wait until the same mass take away the other dough you have in your hands, if the mass don´t take off your hands is time to put a little flour and keep moving and pressing the dough until you don`t have any in you hand.
Put a cloth on top and leave to grow at least half an hour, one hour is a good time, if you do it in advance let it be outside for three hours and then put it for 12 hours on the fridge covered with clear plastic wrap, and that is how it should be done. One hour works perfectly great too.
This is how it should look
This is the red colour I was talking about
After you got your dough grown up, take half of it, this recipe is for making two pizzas, the size of most home ovens, first put flour on the place you are going to work, use your hands to make a disc, the bigger the better, use the rolling pin to expand it, and expand it until it is very thin, if you don´t get it very round, remember, that in the end you can cut it and make it the size and shape that you want.
This is how it looks after some time doing it
Whit a fork make holes to the bread, this is for avoiding it to grow bubbles, put it in the oven at 200 degrees for three minutes, this will toast the bread a little bit.
This is after taking it from the oven, see how I did not put that much salsa into it, that is another secret to avoid the bread to moist and be very soft, the salsa must be just painted over the bread, and also I have found an order in which the pizza cooks perfectly, first goes the meat after the salsa in the bottom, then the vegetables in top of the meat, so the fat from the meat gets sucked by the vegetables, after that then goes the cheese on top so it get brown by the upper oven grill.
The oven must be heated to 200 degrees, its very important to have the upper part of the oven also working, most ovens have this grilling thing up, and works perfect for pizza.
Before I put it into the oven
Hope you enjoy this recipe, I have done pizza for so long time that I master all this things, here I have reveal all the tricks that I use in the making of pizza i hope it work very good for you as they do to me.
Please if you have any doubts just write me and I will answer as soon as possible.
Mamalón. Se ve muy rica
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