martes, 30 de octubre de 2012


I really love Sushi, I can eat it almost every day, I have been doing it for a long time now and my favourite always have salmon or fresh tuna on them. This is a Mexican way to do sushi because it has cream cheese and avocado, but you can put on them whatever you like, I really recommend this recipe is very tasty and delicious.
Big salmon roll

The whole thing


Green pepper
Cream cheese
Algae leafs

Here are the portions for two rolls

The rice is easy, you should use sushi rice because is easier that way, first rinse the rise to take away the starch, it only takes one minute, preheat a pan in medium fire, put a little olive oil and put the rice on it for one minute, then add water, here is the thing, put two cups of water for each cup of rice, this always work perfect, add one teaspoon of salt after you put the water, I also put a leaf of laurel to give some flavour. I use one cup of rice for two sushi rolls. This take between 10 to 15 minutes, be careful because the rice always paste to the bottom so you must be moving it, you know that the rice is done after the water is gone.

1 cup of rice, 
Two cups of water.
Olive oil
Laurel leave
1 cup of rice are for two rolls

This is how it looks after done

Put the algae on the side that has wrinkles, put the rice all around, the rice must be cold, put it that the 90% of the algae is covered, the side that is not covered is for pasting the sushi at the end.
Tip. have your hands wet when you are putting the rice, and this way is easier to handle, push the rice a little bit, this way is easier to roll.

Put the ingredients on, there is a trick in here, you must use the same amount for the whole thing, because when you are going to roll it, it will be very round and perfect, if you leave spots then it will be very soft and unequal. This thing should be very equal, and sometimes is better when you put smaller portions of each ingredient because then is easier to roll and it gives you a perfect roll. be careful not to put water on the algae because it will get soft and break.
put everything in the middle

To close it you must be very careful that all the food is inside the rol and you should press it very firmly, in the end when you roll it add some water to the algae you left without rice and paste it, this way it will not open or break when you make it.

This is how it should look

Its normal that the first time you have something that it doesn't look like a sushi, but try again an follow my hints, it will work at the end, I am very sure of that. Try the ingredients you like they will all work perfectly.

Pass the Knife in water before you cut it and then you will have a clean cut, have fun people, hope you like it like I did.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


This recipe was a total success, by mistake I bought smoked salmon instead of normal raw salmon, but it was ten times better and tastier. Ceviche is a recipe originally from Peru, but you can find it in most of Mexican sea food restaurants, is a very versatile dish, there are many ways it can be done, this time I show the basic stuff, normally people use white fish but is often done also with shrimp. This is perfect to offer it as a first dish in your reunions, its very fresh and it can be taken as a salad, is very easy to make and the ingredients are very easy to find anywhere.

Smoked Salmon Ceviche
Don`t forget the tortilla chips

Close up

Another one
Does it look like something you eat?

Everything starts with the fish, as I said before I used Smoked salmon, it was sliced very thick so it work even better, cut it in cubes and add lime until the lime cover the entire fish, the lime will cook the meat, well is not really cook but it will change the colour of it, to a light white, normally it takes from 45 minutes to one hour, let it rest in the fridge if you are in a warm place, if not you can leave it outside and there is no problem, here you must add salt and pepper, sea salt is perfect for this recipe, add one or two teaspoons of salt, it depends on how you like it. 

I calculate things per person in this recipe, so I make this for myself and used this amount of ingredients:

200 gr of fish, this time as salmon, use any fish you like
3 Limes
 2 Teaspoon of Salt
Pepper, a lot
Dill, chopped

Let it be at least 30 minutes

I already said that this time I kept it simple, for the vegetables only use onion, red pepper and cucumber, and it apply the same rule of the quantities, if you are going to make it for many people just multiply everything.

1/2 Red Onion
1/2 Red Pepper
1/2 Cucumber

Other recommendations for vegetables and fruit


For the final presentation  use some small tomatoes and coriander.

Just put anything that you like, at the end you put all together and mix it very good let it rest for five minutes so the lime take away the strong taste of the onion and pepper and is ready to rock.

Plese try this recipe there is no way that you could get this wrong is really easy, hope you all like it, the next post is going to be very long and tasty so please stay tuned.

Pleas write me something even if it is just to send me to hell, I like that too, have a great weekend.


martes, 23 de octubre de 2012


This is my recipe for thin pizza, I don`t like this kind of american pizza where the bread is soft and very thick, I rather that the bread is thin, crunchy and toast, if you are like me, here is my recipe, hope you like it.

How it looks after taking it off the oven

Just before it disappear in my mouth

Very thin,crunchy and toast!!!!
You can see in the back that it has already disappear more than half

Here it goes, everything starts with the dough, this took me a lot of time to figure out how to make it right, so I will tell you the exact steps to do it this way, here are the ingredients:

250 gr of ordinary wheat flour
100 ml of water
10 gr of fresh yeast
1 teaspoon of salt

Put the yeast with the water, use warm water, not hot not cold, in the middle. Dissolve the yeast in the water and add it slowly to the flour and salt, add half and move with the hand an incorporate the other half to make the dough, this take time and patience, maybe it needs more water if it is very dry, or it needs more flour if it is very sticky, there is only one advice I can give in this case, press the mass a lot and wait until the same mass take away the other dough you have in your hands, if the mass don´t take off your hands is time to put a little flour and keep moving and pressing the dough until you don`t have any in you hand.
Put a cloth on top and leave to grow at least half an hour, one hour is a good time, if you do it in advance let it be outside for three hours and then put it for 12 hours on the fridge covered with clear plastic wrap, and that is how it should be done. One hour works perfectly great too.

This is how it should look

 For the salsa, cut half a red onion and some red pepper, put them to fry in olive oil, after 5 minutes of frying, add two tomatoes, salt and pepper, and let it there until the tomatoes leave a red colour sauce and the water are almost evaporated, pizza requires a very thick sauce.

This is the red colour I was talking about

After you got your dough grown up, take half of it, this recipe is for making two pizzas, the size of most home ovens, first put flour on the place you are going to work, use your hands to make a disc, the bigger the better, use the rolling pin to expand it, and expand it until it is very thin, if you don´t get it very round, remember, that in the end you can cut it and make it the size and shape that you want.

This is how it looks after some time doing it

Whit a fork make holes to the bread, this is for avoiding it to grow bubbles, put it in the oven at 200 degrees for three minutes, this will toast the bread a little bit.

 This is after taking it from the oven, see how I did not put that much salsa into it, that is another secret to avoid the bread to moist and be very soft, the salsa must be just painted over the bread, and also I have found an order in which the pizza cooks perfectly, first goes the meat after the salsa in the bottom, then the vegetables in top of the meat, so the fat from the meat gets sucked by the vegetables, after that then goes the cheese on top so it get brown by the upper oven grill.

The oven must be heated to 200 degrees, its very important to have the upper part of the oven also working,  most ovens have this grilling thing up, and works perfect for pizza.
Before I put it into the oven

 Hope you enjoy this recipe, I have done pizza for so long time that I master all this things, here I have reveal all the tricks that I use in the making of pizza i hope it work very good for you as they do to me.

Please if you have any doubts just write me and I will answer as soon as possible.

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Smoked Salmon Salad

Monday, the best day for something very healthy, after the excesses of weekend, the best for the body is something fresh and not cooked. Vegetables play a key role in the purification of the body and of course the enhance for a more productive week. Here is my monday recommendation. Its easy and delicious, I promise it would be very refreshing. 

Lovely Salad

The base is lettuce, maybe three of four leaves, use whatever lettuce or if you like spinach is good also, the for the next layer it was one tomato, some cucumber and red bell pepper, cut it into big pieces so its easier to get with the fork. The next layer is fresh mozzarella cheese, avocado, sun dried tomatoes and olives. The last layer is the smoked salmon, salt and pepper.


1/2      Lettuce
1         Tomato
1/4      Red bell pepper
1/2      Cucumber
1/2      Avocado
1/2      Fresh mozzarella cheese
100gr  Smoked salmon
           Sun dried tomatoes

Use the dressing of your preference, is recommended with this salad the Italian dressing that is sold in the stores and some lime juice, thats the way I like it, fell free to eat it your way.

Thank god monday is over, see you tomorrow.

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


Salmon is my favourite fish, I like it raw, I like it smoked, I like it fried, but this time I put it in the oven on low temperature for a long period of time. This a very Finish recipe, it has the ingredients that I see often with salmon in Finland
This is how it was before I eat it.

Close up... Is it good?

Everything started with a piece of salmon whit the skin facing down, the first step is add some flavour to it, cut a lemon is half and squeeze the juice on top of the salmon, add salt, garlic powder or garlic powder with salt and ground black pepper. On top of that add fresh dill some chopped onions and the lemon slices. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees Celsius, when its ready put the salmon inside and it will take one hour and 15 minutes, if you like it dry then give it another 15 minutes.

Ready to hit the oven

This is for a mushroom creme sauce that I like to put on top, chop mushrooms and some onion.

Few onion

Put a pan to heat, add butter and put to fry the onion for a pair of minutes, then add the mushrooms, wait until they are loosing water, in this moment add a little milk and this will help to capture all the flavour of the mushrooms, then add thick cream and chopped dill. Wait another 3 minutes and take off the fire.

This is how it loks done

I put some potatoes to boil until they are ready, made some wrappers with foil, to put the potatoes in the oven.
Lonely potatoe

Then add some butter in the bottom, salt and pepper, this time I use some fresh mozzarella, cream cheese and some grated Edam.
Do you like it?

 Then put everything in the oven the last 15 minutes

And it turned out to be like this

 Well, this was my salmon recipe, it was pretty basic but it turned out to be delicious, hope you try to do new recipes use the one you see in the Internet and mix them to make your own, there are many good things going on in different blogs and cooking pages or books.

Hope you like my recipes and mi photos, I am not the best photographer that's why this blog is about food not photos.

Keep in touch and please write me something, if you have any doubts I will answer as soon as posible.

Until the next time.

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012


This pasta is dedicated to all bacon lovers, this is no low fat food, but is incredible delicious, and its no exaggeration, this is full of flavour and very simple to make, please try it, you will not regret this one.

This is before my attack 

This is a close up

So this are the ingredients, some of them are leftovers, like the ham and the sausage, this mean they were left after doing other recipes and they are used in this recipe even when they are not indispensable, even though they are good for giving proteins to the recipe. Bacon is the principal actor in this play. This quantity is for two persons.

100gr Bacon
2 Tomatoes
1 Small red Onion
1 clove of Garlic
150gr of Spaguetti
1/4 of the Green Bell Pepper
2 spoons of Cream Cheese
Milk or Cream

Cut the meats in small pieces, heat a pan to a medium high temperature then put few olive oil and put the bacon until it turns red and crispy, when the bacon has left all the grease put the rest of the meats, leave it for five more minutes, this is for the other meats to get the bacon flavour and also to get crispy.

All the meats in the pan

Hot boiling water whit a little olive oil and salt, put the pasta and let it be for around 10 to 15 minutes.

Laurel leaves give good flavour to pasta

Cut the vegetables small, put the tomatoes in the blender and smash them add some salt to take the acid of the tomatoes away.
This one´s first to fry with the meat 

If you decide not to use any other meats, then after the bacon is ready add the Pepper, onion and garlic and let them fry there for five minutes, if you use the meats you just wait until the meats are changing colour a bit.

Wait 5 minutes for the vegetables to fry and blend whit the meat

Add the tomatoes from the blender

Let it turn dark red, it will boil, let it be for at least 3 minutes to get full flavour then add some cream cheese and a hit of milk or cream.

Move everything until it turns rose. 

Add the pasta.

It should look like this

 I love this recipe, there is a thousand ways to do it, it was one the first things I learn to do, please be free to do it differently, add any meats you like or take away the meats and put some mushrooms at first instead of the bacon and it would be very good.

Hope you like it.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


Today I decided to eat Meat, and also to eat properly meat, so I took this piece of Entrecote from Stockman, for Mexico is like Rib Eye Steak. 
I took also some mushrooms, cream cheese, a package of sausages, and because I am Mexican, I bought everything to make salsa, well two salsas, avocado, and lime.

This was the result

This Entrecote looks great!!! And the taste is awesome. I like to add to the meat some things before cooking, its just some thing I have been doing for some time, normally trying to keep it simple, this time the ingredients were Salt, Black Pepper, and garlic powder.

Normally I grill my meat but since I don't own a grill right now, I have to do it in the pan or in the oven, I use the oven when the meat is gross, big pieces. But this time the meat was thick, so I use the pan and it took me between ten and twelve minutes, add a small amount of olive oil to a very hot pan.

Just one turn after 6 minutes in the pan

This were the meat partners, this time I took it simple, turn the oven to 200, fill the mushrooms with cream cheese, put them in the oven for less than twenty minutes, the sausages will open and then you know they are ready.

For the first salsa, is the first time I found green tomatoes in Finland and was so happy about it, but they can be replaced with red tomatoes, this is very easy, just put everything to boil covered in water, this is a mild salsa, the quantity of chilli is everyone decision. 
4 tomatoes
half of small onion
1 garlic clove
1 green chilli

When the tomatoes crack, the salsa is ready, put it in the blender, add cilantro(korianteri), one teaspoon of salt and serve.

 This is how it looks

This salsa is one of my favourites, it doesn't need cooking so its simple and its good with meat, fish dishes and also to eat as a snack with corn chips these are the ingredients,
1 Small red onion
1 Chilli Habanero
3 Limes (Green one)
1/4 Of red bell pepper


Slice everything very thick, its better this way because the habanero is very strong and the lime helps to take all the excess of heat of the chilli, cover everything with lime juice and one and a half teaspoon of salt, and let rest for 10 minutes and the lemon will change colour to red, then is ready to eat.

*Remember to be careful when handling the habanero the heat stays in the hands and everywhere you touch, wash your hand with dishes soap and it goes away.

This is how it looks

 This was my meat dish, hope you enjoy as I did.

Until the next post